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Monthly Payment

Principal & Interest $1421

Monthly Taxes $1421

Monthly HOA $1421

Monthly Insurance $1421

Tell us a bit about yourself and your construction plans to download this FREE resource!


Tell us a bit about yourself and your construction plans to download this FREE resource!

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Your budget is the foundation for every other decision you will make while preparing to build a home because it provides context for what is possible. Most people attempt to answer the question of “What is my budget?” by simply deciding how much they would be comfortable spending. Unfortunately, while this is a crucial part of the process, it ignores the rest of the picture. We advise our clients to answer the following questions in the order below. However, if you are self-financing the project, skip to question #3.

1. How much will a financial institution lend me?

This sets what we refer to as your Maximum Loan Amount.

2. What type of loan will I need?

This is where many people get con