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Robert Carroll - Carroll Construction
Article by Robert Carroll

Robert is a NAHB Certified Graduate Builder with Carroll Construction. Robert joined the team in 2007 after graduating from L.S.U. with a degree in Construction Management. Now as Chief Operating Officer, Robert Carroll is extremely active in the local builder community, a leader in the LHBA, and is an avid supporter of charity and community causes inside the Greater Baton Rouge area.

Carroll Construction, Building Contractors, Zachary, LA

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Your budget is the foundation for every other decision you will make while preparing to build a home because it provides context for what is possible. Most people attempt to answer the question of “What is my budget?” by simply deciding how much they would be comfortable spending. Unfortunately, while this is a crucial part of the process, it ignores the rest of the picture. We advise our clients to answer the following questions in the order below. However, if you are self-financing the project, skip to question #3.

1. How much will a financial institution lend me?

This sets what we refer to as your Maximum Loan Amount.

2. What type of loan will I need?

This is where many people get confused because if you ask the wrong questions when interviewing lenders, you’ll get vastly different answers. We recommend reviewing the information in this article on the loan type you will need before meeting with your lending candidates.

3. How much am I willing to spend?

Just because a lender is will to lend up to your Maximum Loan Amount, this does not mean you will be willing to borrow and spend that amount. Consider the monthly payments as a starting point and adjust your Budget amount from there. Your chosen lender can help you with this.

4. What can I reasonably expect to build for what I am willing to spend?

This answer will come from a qualified builder during your preliminary meeting. Be prepared to discuss your budget so that the builder can help you get a better idea of what size home to design to meet your goals.


7 things You Must Know Before Designing a New Home

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